
Economic Impact Study

Exploring the Impact of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport on the West Michigan Regional Economy


About the Study

Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority (GFIAA) leadership worked closely with researchers at Grand Valley State University's Seidman College of Business to conduct a thorough analysis of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport's (GFIA) impact on the local economy.

The scope of work included measuring the economic impact of GFIA on Kent County and the West Michigan Economic Development Region, which is inclusive of 13 area counties, for the year 2022. In addition, the study measured the catalytic effect of the airport, which is inclusive of the industries that exist because of airport services, the role the airport plays in attracting business to West Michigan, and the effect it has on household incomes. 


Terms and Definitions

 The following terms and definitions are used throughout the report.

Commercial Visitors

Those who arrive at GFIA on commercial airlines and are not residents of the West Michigan Economic Development Region.


General Aviation Visitors

General Aviation (GA) activities focus on non-commercial, non-scheduled operations, with many GA visitors arriving and departing in the same day. For those who do stay overnight, they have the same spending patterns as commercial visitors.

Airport Operations

GFIA is managed by the airport authority (GFIAA), which consists of a wide range of jobs that are associated with daily operations of GFIA.


Airport Capital Investment

The economic impact associated with capital investment only occurs when the spending associated with the project is taking place. Once the project-related spending is over, the economic impact associated with the project also ends.

Airport Tenants

Businesses located directly on GFIA's campus. These tenants provide aviation-related services or support for airport customers.

Catalytic Effect

This measurement is used to determine the value to a region of the income of residents who would live elsewhere if it were not for GFIA.

Economic Modeling

This economic impact study was estimated using the IMPLAN model. IMPLAN is a regional economic analysis software that estimates the ripple effect of economic activity within a specific geographic region utilizing an input-output method.

Economic Service Area

The Gerald R. Ford International Airport is based in Kent County, Michigan, and primarily serves the 13-county West Michigan Economic Development Region. This includes Allegan, Barry, Kent, Ionia, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newago, Oceana, Osceola, and Ottawa counties.

West Michigan Economic Region By The Numbers:
  • Population: 1,627,734
  • Average Annual Growth Rate (2013-2020): 0.75%
  • Median Household Income: $58.5K 
shutterstock_215340403 [Converted]-1
Star denotes location of GFIA

GFIA Economic Impact Highlights

40k Jobs (2)
7.7 Billion (3)
1.3b Household Income (3)
GFIA By The Numbers (2022)
Total Passengers 3,468,156

Total Cargo (in pounds)

Total Jobs on GFIA Campus 3,764
Total Commercial Airline Partners 6
Total Nonstop Destinations 34
General Aviation Passengers (iterant only) 23,581
Total Passengers: 3,468,156

Total Cargo (in pounds)

Total Jobs on GFIA Campus: 3,764
Total Commercial Airline Partners: 6
Total Nonstop Destinations: 34
General Aviation Passengers (iterant only): 23,581

Read GFIA's Full Economic Impact Study

GFIA Accolades


Best Small Airport in the Country

Airports Council International World

Best Airport of 2 to 5 Million Passengers in North America

Airports Council International World

Airport with the Most Dedicated Staff in North America

Airports Council International World

Easiest Airport Journey in North America

Airports Council International World

Most Enjoyable Airport in North America

Airports Council International World

Cleanest Airport in North America

About Gerald R. Ford International Airport

The Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GFIA) is the second busiest airport in Michigan and is
managed and operated by the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority. The Bureau of
Transportation ranks GFIA as the 76th busiest airport in the country. GFIA serves business and
leisure travelers with thirty-four nonstop routes on seven airlines.