FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Under the FOIA, GFIA is required to disclose records requested by the public.
In addition to the information you can find on our Airport Publications page, and other pages throughout the website, you may be able to request specific documents from the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority (GFIAA).
All government agencies are required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to disclose records requested by the public. Under the provisions of the FOIA, government agencies are to make their records available to the greatest extent possible, based on the principle of openness in government. The GFIAA may, however, withhold information pursuant to certain exemptions and exclusions in the statute.
Requests under FOIA for a copy of Authority records can be made by any individual or public or private organization other than a federal agency. This form should be completed, signed, and submitted to: GFIAA FOIA Coordinator, 5500 44th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512.
Upon receipt, the FOIA Coordinator will respond to the request five business days after the request is received and perfected (that is, all issues regarding fees and the scope of the request are resolved).
A FOIA response must advise the requester of the records that GFIAA intends to disclose or to withhold, the exemption(s) authorizing the withholding (including a citation or summary of each exemption), and a strong justification for withholding the record(s). Normally, the records to be disclosed will be provided with the response letter. If the records are not provided with the letter, an expected receipt date will be included in the letter.